Oldsmar Attack | SCADAfence

ST Automation Magazine | May 2021

Takeaways From The Oldsmar Water Attack & What Security Leaders Can Do About It 

Eray Atlas from OTD Bilişim shared the lessons to be learned from the cyber attack, but most importantly, how they have been trying to solve such problems in the last few years, with real examples from industrial cyber security products.


Over the last few days, cybersecurity journalists and the ICS security community have been discus- sing the Oldsmar Florida water system cyber attack, almost ad nauseam. While many people have been talking about this “news” topic, we’ve actually been treating this issue with many of our customers over the past few years. In this post, I will explain what we’ve learned from this cyberattack, but most importantly, I will share how we’ve been busy solving these issues over the last few years with actual examples from our range of industrial cybersecurity products.

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