Utility programs and cookies may be used to enable the user to benefit from the Website or some Services provided by the Website, perform transactions more quickly and actively, assess user preferences, customize/personalize the Website according to user preferences, carry out advertising activities and enhance performance of the Website.
This Cookie Use Policy and Clarification Text (“Policy”) contains our statements and explanations on principles for cookie use regarding the website (“Website”) as operated by OTD ULUSLARARASI BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEKNİK DESTEK ve DANIŞMANLIK TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (hereinafter be referred to as “OTD”) and owned by OTD and on purpose of data processing, data categories, method and legal reason for collecting data, transferees and purposes for transferring, data processing term and your rights on your data since the Website is operated by us with the capacity of data controller as OTD.
Cookies are small text files stored by websites you visit by using your computer or mobile device to your device or network server.
If you benefit from Services/Website, data related to way and scope of said benefiting are recorded in the database of the Website and/or some cookies are used and User receives some information through such cookies.
Data recorded with cookies are processed and recorded by OTD.
Cookies used at the Website are as follows.
You can apply to settings of your browser to change cookie settings or block cookies.
It is deemed that you accept cookies use at this Website unless you change your Cookie settings of your browser.
If you block cookies or change relevant settings, your access to the Website or its features or Services may be restricted partly or wholly.
This Cookie Policy may be amended without prior notification.
1- What is the Meaning and Content of Cookies?
Cookies are small text files created on your device by a website and containing data in name-value format. Your usage habits and preferences are stored on browser as you use any website.
Cookies are used to save time and offer a better Internet experience.
Cookies created by a website are stored by web browser you use to access the website and only websites served under domain name creating the cookie can access information that cookie contains and remote access is possible only when you use the same browser.
2- What Are Cookies Used For?
Those small text files containing your preferred language and other settings help your preferences be remembered in your next visits and also help us make developments in our services to improve your experiences at the website.
Therefore, you can have a better and customized user experience in your next visits.
Our website uses cookies in order to:
Increase performance of the website,
Improve the website and offer new features at the Website and customize offered features according to your preferences,
Improve user experience,
Develop and facilitate services offered to you at the website,
To offer new features at the website and customize features according to your preferences,
To collect not personal, but general information like mostly clicked links on how our website is used by our visitors, mostly visited pages, number of viewed error messages and make error pages functional, develop our website, remove or improve not preferred pages by analyzing such information,
To offer opportunities for products and services special for you like internet advertising, targeting and retargeting, cross selling, campaign, opportunity and product/service advertisements and make suggestions considering your preferences,
To need some statistical data to use the website more efficiently,
To ensure your legal and commercial security and of our company,
To prevent fictitious transactions over the Website,
To fulfill legal and contractual obligations, especially those arising from the Law on Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Suppression of Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications Numbered 5651 and Regulation on Principles and Procedures about Regulation of Publications on the Internet.
Cookies are not used for any other purposes than those specified in this Policy and all relevant transactions are performed in accordance with the data protection regulation.
3- What Kind of Data Are Processed in Cookies?
Depending on type, cookies at websites collect data about your scanning and usage preferences in the device through which you visit the website.
Such data contain information about pages you access, services and products you view, language you prefer and your other preferences.
Cookies downloaded on your computer or information obtained are used for statistical analyses or security measures. Any of your personal data is not collected through cookies.
Cookies are not used for any other purposes than those specified in this Policy and all relevant transactions are performed in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698.
4- Cookie Categories:
Cookies can be classified in various manners:
Session Cookies: Session cookies are enabled while you use the website and remain enabled until you close your web browser.
Permanent Cookies: Permanent cookies are used to remember your preferences at the website and stays in your desktop or mobile device even if you close your browser or restart your computer.
Obligatory Cookies: These are the cookies required for the Website to operate properly and for you to benefit from features and services of the website.
Functional and Analytic Cookies: These cookies are used to remember your preferences, use the website effectively and optimize the website to meet your requests and contain data on how you use the website.
As a nature, such cookies may contain your personal data.
For example, functional cookies include those recording your preference for viewing language.
Tracking Cookies: Tracking cookies are primary and third-party cookies created when you visit our website and domain names of third parties.
These cookies follow your clicking and visiting history on the domain names where they are created and match those records among different domain names.
Such cookies are used to remember and profile users, target advertisement and marketing activities and customize content.
These cookies will not be used to identify you or take personal decisions for you.
5- How To Manage Cookies?
You can control or delete cookies as you wish. You can delete cookies existing in your computer and prevent cookie recording / location in many Internet explorers.
However, you should be reminded that you will not be able to access some features if you delete cookies and prevent cookies from being downloaded to your computer.
Considering limitations mentioned above, if you do not want to use Cookie at this website, you must disable Cookie use in your browser settings, then delete Cookies recorded in your browser in connection with this website.
You can use this option whenever you want to prevent cookie use.
You can change your browser settings at any time and restrict, block or delete Cookies used at the website.
Even if each browser has different settings, Cookies are usually contained in the “Options” and “Tools” menu. For further information on setting Cookies on your browser, see “Help” menu of browser.
In addition, most of browsers allow you to perform following transactions:
Viewing recorded cookies and deleting those you want.
Blocking third-party cookies.
Blocking cookies from certain websites.
Blocking all cookies.
Deleting all cookies when Internet explorer is closed.
6- Do You Want Further Information on Cookies and Our Cookie Policy?
For further information on our cookie policy, you may contact us on “Contact Us” page or via e-mail at