
Modern security teams face multiple challenges, including enterprise transformation and a rapidly evolving threat landscape. To be effective, teams need the ability to easily integrate improvements that minimize the risks posed by emerging threats to existing technology ecosystems. Security controls, which form a critical part of the ecosystem, can quickly become difficult to manage, and misconfigurations can hinder threat detection. These configuration deviations can often lead to a lack of visibility performance for security auditing; causes loopholes and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by advanced threat vectors.

Why Safebreach?
Risk-Based Vulnerability Management
Combine vulnerability management (VM) data with the business-specific context you need to optimize patch management. Utilize the SafeBreach platform to understand which vulnerabilities pose the greatest actual risk in your environment, so you can prioritize accordingly, remediate quickly, move on.
Identify & Prioritize Exploitable Vulnerabilities
Put your security controls to the test with continuous, automated attack simulations to validate how your organization actually performs under pressure. Then correlate VM scan data and threat intelligence with attack simulation results to develop an understanding of the overall attack surface.
Breach & Attack Simulation For Security Control Validation
SafeBreach is a leader in BAS technology. Security teams can run BAS 24x7, filtering results by ATT&CK tactics, techniques or threat groups to validate their security posture and expose security gaps. BAS provides a practical, highly flexible means to put MITRE ATT&CK to work. In turn, the framework provides structure to apply BAS for maximum improvement to security posture across the kill chain
The Largest - Most Up-To-Date Playbook In The Industry
SafeBreach Hacker's Playbook™ contains over 30.000 attack methods. US-CERT supports a 24-hour SLA. Simulate attacks against your production environment based on Hacker's PlaybookTM attacks, specific ATT&CK strategy, or execute attacks based on a threat suite.

Security Controls

Threats Identification & Prioritization

Cloud Security

Vulnerabilities Identification & Prioritization

Analysis of Real-Time Data

Gaps Identification, Attack Surface Reducing

Threat Intelligence

Integrate threat intelligence information from providers you trust with the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook™ to access the most comprehensive overview of attack methods and threat groups that are relevant to your organization.

Replicate the relevant threat tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) you’ve identified by customizing existing attacks from the playbook or creating personalized attacks from scratch. Then safely put your security controls to the test with continuous, automated attack simulations.

Leverage the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook™ or build your own personalized attacks  to see how your security controls respond under pressure. Execute continuous, automated attack simulations that replicate the latest known threats across a variety of controls from web, endpoint, and email to network inspection, network access, container, and cloud.

Leverage post-simulation reports to identify which controls blocked, detected, or missed attacks, so you can pinpoint ineffective settings, underperforming tools, and incident response gaps. Understand your overall risk score, identify the top exploited protocols and ports, and map attack simulation results to the MITRE ATT&CK® framework to visualize how your defenses performed against specific attacker techniques and threat groups.

Analyze and visualize test results to drill down into detailed test-result data, quickly identify and prioritize security gaps, and use remediation insights to facilitate and automate resolution. Leverage intuitive, customizable dashboards to communicate security status and risk level to key stakeholders. Additionally, DevOps teams can leverage contextual insights from simulated attacks in order to continuously assess the security and integrity of web applications at each stage of development, allowing them to identify and address vulnerabilities before releasing an application into production.

Assess security control effectiveness and crown jewel exposure with insight about which vulnerabilities have the greatest level of accessibility, highest likelihood of exploitation, and most severe impact on your critical systems and assets. Use that information to quickly prioritize the most pressing threats and inform remediation decisions.

Address the vulnerabilities with the greatest business risk, then re run attack simulations to ensure the remediation actions you took had the intended impact. Use customizable dashboards to deliver the visibility and intelligence stakeholders need to formulate long-term security plans, inform resourcing decisions, and ensure strategic alignment.

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IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Attack Visibility IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Simplified Incident Creation IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Block chain Security IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Network Performance Testing IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Network Performance Troubleshooting IT & OT (ICS) & Cloud Network Leakage

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