As OTD BİLİŞİM, we would like to thank all the companies that participated in the "FUTURE OF CIO & AWARDS" event held on March 6.

Honeywell SCADAfence - The most comprehensive IT & OT (ICS) Cyber Security Platform for critical infrastructures and businesses. By performing real-time in-depth cyber intelligence analysis; "Passive NDR" provides full visibility and risk reduction.

Garland - Create your next generation cyber intelligence network with advanced TAP and Network Packet Broker Solutions (NPB) that provide 100% secure packet visibility. IT & OT (ICS) allows absolute network visibility by eliminating blind spots in your critical infrastructures.

Salvador - The new generation fastest offline system and data recovery solution to overcome the crisis and maintain the operational continuity of factory automation in unplanned crisis situations (natural disasters, cyber attacks, hardware failures). In "JUST 30 SECONDS" everything is fine again.

✅ BTS Sybelle SDDC Virtualization Platform - It is the "Next Generation Server Virtualization Software Platform" that allows software-based storage, virtual network and internal virtual machine backup functions to be managed from a single interface, to use resources in the most efficient way and to minimize system costs. The multi-tenancy feature is now available with the new version of the Sybelle SDDC Platform, developed by BTS LABS and offering system virtualization, HCI and container infrastructure.


BTS Sybelle HCI Hyperconverged Platform - Hyperconverged platform where server, virtualization and storage layers can be configured and controlled integratedly. It provides a software-based storage resource with a distributed and highly available architecture by virtualizing the storage layer on hardware in all commonly used x86_64 architectures.

Our SoC Services - IT & OT (ICS) is a service provided to critical infrastructures and businesses as onPrem, by integrating with our Blue Team & Red Team Cyber Security Products and corporate security & monitoring & analysis solutions in our customer's own environment;

  • With Red Team Cyber Security Solutions, scenario-based, advanced complex attack simulation tests are constantly carried out from inside and outside the organization, and attack surface visibility is increased with Blue Team Cyber Security Solutions. The success of detecting and preventing simulation attacks with existing security & monitoring & analysis solutions is scored. We constantly measure the cyber security maturity level of the business, support improvement efforts, and monitor and retest. We focus on increasing the cyber security resilience of the business by reporting from CISO screens.
  • Periodic cyber security health check studies are carried out specifically for the current security & analysis solutions and blue team intelligence solutions used within the business, and periodic cyber security risk reports are prepared. Real attacks and simulation attacks experienced during this period are examined and improvement suggestions are made. The risk reduction effect of improvements recommended in the previous HC is considered. The company's overall success in combating cyber incidents and its overall and broken down cyber security maturity scores are tracked.
  • Real-time and retrospective intelligence review is performed with Blue Team Cyber Security Solutions. By examining the recorded suspicious activities, footprints and symptoms of possible attacks, the relevant cyber attack is followed up by ensuring that proactive measures are taken quickly within the organization to extinguish and, if possible, stop the attack before it spreads throughout the business and becomes a general problem.

If you want to talk about our solutions, you can contact the "OTD Bilişim" sales team at otd.salesgrp@onlineteknikdestek.com e-mail address.


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